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Merge Sort - Sorting String Array with Int Array

For this project, I'm given an array of strings and an array of ints. int[1] is the ranking for string[1]. I need to sort the int array in order from 1 to n using mergesort, which I've done below. But I also need to switch the positions of the string array when the int array gets moved so they are both sorted, if that makes sense? I can't figure out what's wrong with my coding or even if my idea will actually work, but I keep getting an array index out of bounds error on stringSorted[k] = stringRight[j] and I can't figure out if there's a way to fix this. Essentially, when an int was added to the sortedInt array, I also added that element to the sorted String array. Thank you for any help, and let me know if something doesn't make sense

private static int sortAndCount(int intToSort[]){

    int inversionsLeft;
    int inversionsRight;
    int inversionsMerged;

    if(intToSort.length == 1){
        return 0;

    int m = intToSort.length/2;

    int[] intLeft = new int[m];
    stringLeft = new String[m];

    int[] intRight = new int[intToSort.length-m];
    stringRight = new String[intToSort.length-m];

    for (int i=0; i < m; i++){
        intLeft[i] = intToSort[i];
        stringLeft[i] = stringToSort[i];

    for (int i = 0;i < intRight.length; i++){
            intRight[i] = intToSort[m+i];
            stringRight[i] = stringToSort[m+i];

    inversionsLeft = sortAndCount(intLeft);
    inversionsRight = sortAndCount(intRight);

    intSorted = new int[intToSort.length];
    stringSorted = new String[stringToSort.length];

    inversionsMerged = mergeAndCount(intLeft, intRight);

    return(inversionsLeft + inversionsRight + inversionsMerged);


private static int mergeAndCount(int[] intLeft, int[] intRight){

    int count = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int k = 0;

    while(i < intLeft.length && j < intRight.length){

        if(intLeft[i] < intRight[j]){
            intSorted[k] = intLeft[i];
            stringSorted[k] = stringLeft[i];

            intSorted[k] = intRight[j];
            stringSorted[k] = stringRight[j];
            count += intLeft.length - i + 1;



     while (i < intLeft.length)
            intSorted[k] = intLeft[i];
            stringSorted[k] = stringLeft[i];


     while (j < intRight.length)
            intSorted[k] = intRight[j];
            stringSorted[k] = stringRight[j];


     return count;




  • int[] intLeft = new int[m];
    stringLeft = new String[m];
    int[] intRight = new int[intToSort.length-m];
    stringRight = new String[intToSort.length-m];

    You'll notice here that for the int arrays you are creating new variables, for the string you are replacing the outer. This is making your string arrays smaller with each recursive call whereas your int arrays are passed to each method.

    By the time you get to calling mergeAndCount, stringLeft and stringRight are very small whereas the appropriately sized intLeft and intRight are passed as arguments.