I'm changing some crufty old printing code to use the Visual Basic Print Dialog Control to pass printer information to a CrystalReport
object. It works great except for one thing - the page selection box is consistently disabled no matter what flags I pass the object. Here is my code:
Public Enum PrintDialogFlags
NoFlag = 0
DisablePagesButton = 1
LoadIntoPrnObject = 2
AutoStartPrint = 4
End Enum
Public Function ShowPrintDialogCR(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByRef cr As CrystalReport, _
Optional PrintFlags As Long = 0) As Boolean
//this function assumes cr is a valid report object
On Error GoTo ShowPrintDialogCR_Error
Dim PD As New vbprndlglib.PrinterDlg
//load default settings
PD.PrinterName = Printer.DeviceName
PD.DriverName = Printer.DriverName
PD.Port = Printer.Port
PD.PaperBin = Printer.PaperBin
PD.CancelError = True
PD.flags = (vbprndlglib.cdlPDNoSelection Or vbprndlglib.cdlPDHidePrintToFile)
// commented the line below out to see if it was something with my logic
// Still disables page selection without this line
//If PrintFlags And DisablePagesButton Then PD.flags = PD.flags Or vbprndlglib.cdlPDNoPageNums
Printer.TrackDefault = False
PD.ShowPrinter (hwnd)
cr.PrinterPort = PD.Port
cr.PrinterDriver = PD.DriverName
cr.PrinterName = PD.PrinterName
cr.CopiesToPrinter = PD.Copies
If PD.flags And vbprndlglib.cdlPDPageNums Then
cr.PrinterStartPage = PD.FromPage
cr.PrinterStopPage = PD.ToPage
End If
If PrintFlags And PrintDialogFlags.LoadIntoPrnObject Then
//copy these settings to the printer object
Dim prn As Printer
For Each prn In Printers
If prn.DeviceName = PD.PrinterName Then
Set Printer = prn
Exit For
End If
Next prn
Printer.PaperBin = PD.PaperBin
Printer.PaperSize = PD.PaperSize
Printer.Duplex = PD.Duplex
Printer.Copies = PD.Copies
Printer.ColorMode = PD.ColorMode
Printer.Orientation = PD.Orientation
Printer.PrintQuality = PD.PrintQuality
End If
Set PD = Nothing
If PrintFlags And PrintDialogFlags.AutoStartPrint Then cr.Action = 1
ShowPrintDialogCR = True
Printer.TrackDefault = True
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 20545 Then //request cancelled by user
MsgBox "The print request was cancelled after being submitted to the print spooler." & vbNewLine & _
"If you cancelled a print to file dialog, this is a normal message. " & vbNewLine & _
"Otherwise, this message could mean your printer is not accepting print requests from us at this time." _
, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Print Request Cancelled"
ErrorLogger Err, "ShowPrintDialogCR"
ElseIf Err.Number <> 32755 Then
//something else besides clicking cancel, show the error
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & vbNewLine & "Source: " & _
Err.Source & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Document not printed.", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Print Failure"
ErrorLogger Err, "ShowPrintDialogCR"
End If
ShowPrintDialogCR = False
Printer.TrackDefault = False
End Function
I don't see what I'm doing wrong here. I've passed several combinations of unrelated flags just to see if the box would enable itself with no success. I've encountered VB6 quirks before and I'm really hoping this isn't one of them. Any help is much appreciated!
I found this in the KB article you linked to:
To enable the Select Pages portion of the Print dialog box, Max must be set to a number that is larger than Min.
So, at the very least, you need to set the Min
and Max
properties on the print dialog object to something reasonable before you set the flags:
PD.CancelError = True
'Set Min and Max to enable page selection'
PD.Min = 1
PD.Max = 32767 'Or any large number really'
PD.flags = (vbprndlglib.cdlPDNoSelection Or vbprndlglib.cdlPDHidePrintToFile)
In my own experimenting I also found out the following few things:
and Max
, the page selection will default both the "To" and "From" fields to 1.Min
to 1 and Max
to -1, and also set FromPage
to 1 and ToPage
to -1, the "From" field will default 1 and the "To" field will be empty. It's interesting that this works since the documentation states that Max
must be larger than Min
, but it looks like -1 is treated more like an "empty" or "null" value.vbPrnDlg.cdlPageNums
flag, the Print Dialog will default to the Pages radio button when it's displayed. If you omit the vbPrnDlg.cdlPageNums
flag, the dialog will default to the All radio button.