My standard procedure for accessing a PostgreSQL database on a remote server is to first create an ssh tunnel as:
ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432 -p 222
and then run my query in python from another shell as:
conn = psycopg2.connect("host=localhost" + " dbname=" +
conf.dbname + " user=" + conf.user +
" password=" + conf.password)
cur = conn.cursor()
This piece of python code works nicely once the tunnel is created. However, I would like psycopg2 to already open the SSH tunnel or reach "somehow" the remote database without need to redirect it on my localhost.
Is it possible to do this with psycopg2?
Is otherwise possible open the ssh tunnel in my python code?
if I use:
os.system("ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432 -p 222")
The shell will be redirected to the remote host blocking the execution of main thread.
For the moment I am using a solution bsed on this gist:
class SSHTunnel(object):
A context manager implementation of an ssh tunnel opened from python
def __init__(self, tunnel_command):
assert "-fN" in tunnel_command, "need to open the tunnel with -fN"
self._tunnel_command = tunnel_command
self._delay = 0.1
def create_tunnel(self):
tunnel_cmd = self._tunnel_command
import time, psutil, subprocess
ssh_process = subprocess.Popen(tunnel_cmd, universal_newlines=True,
# Assuming that the tunnel command has "-f" and "ExitOnForwardFailure=yes", then the
# command will return immediately so we can check the return status with a poll().
while True:
p = ssh_process.poll()
if p is not None: break
if p == 0:
# Unfortunately there is no direct way to get the pid of the spawned ssh process, so we'll find it
# by finding a matching process using psutil.
current_username = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).username
ssh_processes = [proc for proc in psutil.get_process_list() if proc.cmdline == tunnel_cmd.split() and proc.username == current_username]
if len(ssh_processes) == 1:
self.ssh_tunnel = ssh_processes[0]
return ssh_processes[0]
raise RuntimeError, 'multiple (or zero?) tunnel ssh processes found: ' + str(ssh_processes)
raise RuntimeError, 'Error creating tunnel: ' + str(p) + ' :: ' + str(ssh_process.stdout.readlines())
def release(self):
""" Get rid of the tunnel by killin the pid
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def __del__(self):
def test():
#do things that will fail if the tunnel is not opened
print "done =========="
command = "ssh -L %d:localhost:%d -p 222 -fN" % (someport, someport)
with SSHTunnel(command):
Please let me know if anybody has a better idea