I have some databases is a one connection. I want put my database in internet to have a network connection so there are some users have access to my database at a same time.
I have some questions about it.
1- Should I manage my tables or database when my users want to edit data at a same time , Or sql will manage it?
2-While I set my database as a Multi-User, Will my database splited like this article Split Database
3- Is there some thing else for have a network connection that I should mention it?
and I know my database should be set as "Online"
I read this article too: Multiuser Access
MS SQL Server is a multi-user application and MS SQL Server can process queries of multiple users in parallel.
ACID (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID): Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability guarantee that all transactions are processed reliably.
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