At one time, the SVN repo was cloned at commit c75e75c. One team worked on git/master, another team worked on SVN.
into git/master
but this would terribly
awful. So I prefer to push all the commits after c75e75c into the branch/app_v2
Tried with git push <remotename> <commit SHA>:<remotebranchname>
How can I pushing specific commit to a remote, and not the previous commits? . I created a remote branch/app_v2. But the commits SHA on git-svn and git repo are not the same. Even they have a common history.
How to push a a range of commits ( between c75e75c and HEAD) and push to remote branch ( branch/app_v2 ) ?
OK here is the cookbook :
on the Git repo , create the remote branch ( note it is the same revision as SVN's c75e75c but it doesn't have the same has name on the other git repo )
git checkout -b <branch_name> <revision_hash>
then push the branch to remote repo
git push origin <branch_name>
on SVN repo , roll back to the revision to push
git checkout c75e75c
push to the remote branch
git push origin <current_locale_branch>:<branch_name>
Any questions ?