My code looks like :
$scope.aceIDEs='var hw = new function() {\n console.log("Hello world!");\n}'
$scope.loadAceJSExample = function (_editor) {
<div class="container fade-in" style='padding: 4em;'>
ui-ace="{onLoad : loadAceJSExample,
onChange : aceJSExampleChanged,
useWrapMode : true,
theme : 'github',
showGutter: true,
mode: 'javascript'
}" />
I tried calling _editor.getSession().removeMarker(); but did not help
Every time i refresh it looks like this,once i click in it returns to normal:
Use _editor.session.setValue($scope.aceIDEs);
which also resets undomanager.
Alternatively you can use _editor.setValue($scope.aceIDEs, cursorPos);
. where cursorPos=-1
puts cursor at start and cursorPos=1
at the end.
Or call _editor.clearSelection()
after setting value.