I'm using Estimote SDK.
PROXIMITY_UUID = "B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D"
// Beacon(iPad Air)
[[CLBeaconRegion alloc] initWithProximityUUID:PROXIMITY_UUID
// Beacon Receiver(Nexus 7 2nd gen)
beaconManager.startRanging(new Region("regid", PROXIMITY_UUID, null, null));
iPad beacon discovered on Nexus 7. Is this correct?
Shoes shop 1
Shoes shop 2
Thai food restaurant 1
Can see products of Shoes shop 2 when run Thaiphoon app in Thai Restaurant 1?(These app use same JSON form)
you need to change UUID or major or minor to differentiate between beacons.
Identifier does not play a role init. Also as most of the beacon manufacturers(Like estimote) do not allow change in UUID you should just use major and minor to identify different beacons.