Android Studio 0.4.6
I am trying to use the camera and I have set the permissions like this:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT"/>
<uses-feature android:name=""/>
I have imported the correct package:
import android.hardware.Camera;
And I try and open the camera like this:
Camera camera = Camera. there is no open method;
All I get are the following:
I have follow the developer documentation, I can't see I have done anything wrong.
many thanks for any suggestions,
Just try to paste camera =;
or type it in manually. Sometimes the "clever" thing glitches.
By the way, did the tool suggest to import android.hardware.Camera;
or you typed it manually? I mean, is it an Android project? (Typically you start with the automatically generated hello world example and then add extra functionality to it, if you did something else, it's easier to re-do it from the very beginning.)