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How to create a bootbox prompt with a bootstrap datepicker as input

I am creating a dialog box using bootbox.

    message: 'Datepicker input: <input id="date"></input>',
    title: "Custom label",
    buttons: {
        main: {
            label: "Save",
            className: "btn-primary",
            callback: function () {
                console.log("Hi " + $('#first_name').val());

$("#date").datepicker(); //Not working

Any idea about how to create a bootbox prompt with datepicker input? Thanks


  • This workaround did it for me. Any better approch to this issue is welcome.

    function BootboxContent() {
        var frm_str = '<form id="some-form">'
            + '<div class="form-group">'
            + '<label for="date">Date</label>'
            + '<input id="date" class="date span2 form-control input-sm" size="16" placeholder="dd-mm-yy" type="text">'
            + '</div>'
            + '</form>';
        var object = $('<div/>').html(frm_str).contents();
            format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
            autoclose: true
        }).on('changeDate', function (ev) {
        return object
    //Show the datepicker in the bootbox
        message: BootboxContent,
        title: "Reschedule Rule",
        buttons: {
            main: {
                label: "OK",
                className: "btn-primary"

    The datepicker will show behind the modal overlay. In the datepicker.css, add z-index: 99999 !important to the .datepicker

    To ajust the calender right under the datepicker input depending on the position of your bootbox dialog box, add the follow style:

    .modal-open .datepicker {
        left: 52% !important; //Change it according to the position of your dialog
        top: 25% !important; //Change it according to the position of your dialog