Given a HTML structure like so:
<div id="canvas">
<div class="group group-normal" id="1">hello world</div>
<div class="group group-infiltrated" id="2">whats up dogue</div>
I currently use jsPlumb to create a graph from that structure:
$(function() {
jsPlumb.Defaults.Container = $("div#canvas");
jsPlumb.draggable($(""), {
containment: $("div#canvas")
var stateMachineConnector = {
connector: "Bezier",
paintStyle: { lineWidth: 2, strokeStyle: "#056" },
endpoint: "Blank",
anchor: "Continuous",
overlays:[ ["PlainArrow", { location: 1, width: 15, length: 12 } ]]
source: "1",
target: "2"
}, stateMachineConnector);
Which already gives me a nice, draggable graph:
The problem is, that when initialising the graph, all the div
s are in the upper left corner of the canvas. I learned that this is due that jsPlumb only provides functionality to layout a graph, but not to position it.
I then went on a scavenger hunt and found many useful libraries that deal with positioning, like springy, sigma and alike. The problem is: Most of the don't operate on divs, but rather on some (for me) instransparent SVG/Canvas object graph.
I like jsPlumb very much and would like to keep using it. The only thing I need from other libraries is the initial positioning of all the elements.
How can I make the elements be positioned more evenly over the space available, maybe even in a way that makes them arrange the same way every time the graph is initialized?
Here is the plugin for positioning DIV's which has connectivity: Basically the plugin is derived from graphviz js library.
You need to pass the connectivity information to the library through a textarea(id=dot-src). So whenever you establish a connection, store the connectivity info in a string and later pass it to the Liviz library for positioning it.
str='digraph MyGraph {'; // This string will be set to the textarea at the end.
// Whenever connection is created update the string.
jsPlumb.bind("jsPlumbConnection", function(ci) {
// At the end set the string and call Liviz function
$('#dot-src').text(str+"}"); // Set the string
w_launch(); // call the library to position the DIV's based on connectivity.
You can explore graphviz for different types of options to customise positioning.