How do I use a combination of booleans values, to set the enabled
property on a MvxBind
For example:
Using one boolean value, the binding is achieved with:
local:MvxBind="Enabled IHaveDoneEverything"/>
But how do I implement this using multiple boolean values?
Things I've tried that didn't work:
local:MvxBind="Enabled (IHaveDoneThis | IHaveDoneThat)"
Using an extra property in my ViewModel. This didn't work due to the property not being 'set' and thus not being updated in the view.
public bool IHaveDoneAtleastSomething
get { return (IHaveDoneThis | IHaveDoneThat); }
Using a custom valueconverter.
local:MvxBind="Enabled [IHaveDoneThis , IHaveDoneThat], Converter=MultipleBooleansToOneBooleanUsingORValueConverter"/>
Using || instead of | actually resolved this issue.
local:MvxBind="Enabled (IHaveDoneThis || IHaveDoneThat)"