I am a beginner programmer. I am trying to write a program that will ask for a sentence, then check for 2 things. 1) A capital letter at the start of the sentence and 2) a full stop at its end. I also want it to print out a sentence that'll tell the user whether or not their sentence is correct. For example:
Enter a sentence: python is hard.
Your sentence doesn't begin with a capital letter.
Enter a sentence: Python is hard
Your sentence has no full stop at the end.
Enter a sentence: python is hard
Your sentence doesn't start with a capital letter and has no full stop at the end.
and lastly;
Enter a sentence: Python is hard.
Your sentence is perfect.
However, i am stuck and all i have is this mess:
sentence = input("Sentence: ")
if sentence[0].isupper():
if (sentence[0].isupper()) != sentence:
print("Your sentence does not start with a capital letter.")
elif "." not in sentence:
print("Your sentence does not end with a full stop.")
print("Your sentence is correctly formatted.")
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try this:
sentence = input('Sentence: ') # You should use raw_input if it is python 2.7
if not sentence[0].isupper() and sentence[-1] != '.': # You can check the last character using sentence[-1]
# both the conditions are not satisfied
print 'Your sentence does not start with a capital letter and has no full stop at the end.'
elif not sentence[0].isupper():
# sentence does not start with a capital letter
print 'Your sentence does not start with a capital letter.'
elif sentence[-1] != '.':
# sentence does not end with a full stop
print 'Your sentence does not end with a full stop.'
# sentence is perfect
print 'Your sentence is perfect.'