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How do access different tables in the database without creating entities in Symfony

I have a table with 3 columns EmployeeNum, JobTitleCode and cost. I have made an entity for it with basic CRUD functions.

EmployeeNum and JobTitleCode are both Foreign Keys and when displaying the entity I want to be able to query another table in the database to extract EmployeeName from EmployeeNum and JobTitle from JobTitleCode.

In Symfony 1.4 I could just do Doctrine_Core::getTable('Employees').find('EmployeeNum') by defining 'Employees' in the schema but I couldn't find any similar method in Symfony 2.4.

From the API for getDoctrine() I didn't find any similar methods I could use and if I build a query as such:

createQuery('SELECT a FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number=1')

I get the error below

[Semantical Error] line 0, col 14 near 'hs_hr_employee': Error: Class 'hs_hr_employee' is not defined

So how do you go about accessing data from other tables in the db?


  • Doctrine always tries to map your results to entities by default.

    You can use a prepared statement without the need to provide a result-mapping:

    get the connection:

    $connection = $em->getConnection();

    preparing a statement and executing it:

    $statement = $connection->prepare(
        'SELECT a FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number = :emp'
    $statement->bindValue('emp', $emp);
    // for SELECT queries 
    $result = $statement->fetchAll('EAGER');  // note: !== $connection->fetchAll()!
    // for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries
    $affected_rows = $statement->rowCount();

    This is pretty expressive. See the examples below for shorter variants.


    Use a Native SQL query with a result-mapping.

    Advanced example shows how to rename columns in the result-array.

    // create a result-mapping
    $rsm = new ResultSetMapping;
    $rsm->addScalarResult('n', 'nickname');
    $rsm->addScalarResult('f', 'muchachos');
    $query = $em->createNativeQuery(
   as n
            COUNT(user.friends) as f
   = :username_parameter
            user_table_name users
    $query->setParameter('username_parameter', $username); 
    $result = $query->getSingleResult(\Doctrine\ORM\AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
    // example: $username = 'nifr'
    // array => [ 
    //   'nickname'  => 'nifr'
    //   'muchachos' => 3919410
    // ]

    Shorter versions: (letting doctrine prepare the statement + directly fetch result)

    // for SELECT queries
    $result = $connection->executeQuery(
        'SELECT a FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number = ?'
    //for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries
    $affected_rows = $connection->executeUpdate(
        'DELETE FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number = ?',
    // fetch all into array ( <numeric-index> => <associative-array-entry> )
        'SELECT a FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number = ?',
    // fetch only first-row of result-set as associative array
       'SELECT a FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number = ?',
    // fetch only first-row of result-set as array with numeric indexes
        'SELECT a FROM hs_hr_employee a WHERE a.emp_number = ?',

    Even shorter variants (for of INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries)

    // DELETE FROM user WHERE id = ? (1)
    $conn->delete('user', array('id' => 1));
    // INSERT INTO user (username) VALUES (?) (nifr)
    $conn->insert('user', array('username' => 'nifr'));
    // UPDATE user (username) VALUES (?) WHERE id = ? (nifr, 1)
    $conn->update('user', array('username' => 'nifr'), array('id' => 1));

    Useful links: