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Add camera preview as layer for Mapview in Android

Currently, I'm working on a App which contain Map. in this I would like to add my camera preview as Mapview's background or layer. which means, All place markers shows only one my camera preview. Like this . Actually concept behind in this is, when I open my camera activity, it's shows nearby place marker on it. so when I click that marker, it's shows popup which contains place details. as shown in image. How can I implement this please. please give me any idea. I have tried with camera preview on background and mapview on foreground and setAlpha(0);, and remove all layers on mapview and so on. nothing workout for me. Kindly help me to found out the solution. Thanks in advance.


This is how I have add my camera preview:

 FrameLayout preview = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;
    cameraSurfaceView = new CameraSurfaceView(this);

and this is how I have add my MapView:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    android:background="@color/transparent_background" />

    android:layout_height="fill_parent" />

   mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;

I have tried to mapView.setAlpha(0f); but this hide mapview together with marker. nothing could see .

I have tried to set

Canvas can =  new Canvas();

but this one also not works.

there is some method called addLayer(); but I don't know how to convert my camera preview as layer.


  • I'm sorry, I was totally wrong by my concept. Now everything goes well after looking into augmented reality concepts. now I'm using BeyondAR Agumented Reality SDK from here enter link description here .