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Python: deferToThread XMLRPC Server - Twisted - Cherrypy?

This question is related to others I have asked on here, mainly regarding sorting huge sets of data in memory.

Basically this is what I want / have:

Twisted XMLRPC server running. This server keeps several (32) instances of Foo class in memory. Each Foo class contains a list bar (which will contain several million records). There is a service that retrieves data from a database, and passes it to the XMLRPC server. The data is basically a dictionary, with keys corresponding to each Foo instance, and values are a list of dictionaries, like so:

data = {'foo1':[{'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}, {'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2'}], 'foo2':...}

Each Foo instance is then passed the value corresponding to it's key, and the dictionaries are updated and sorted.

class XMLRPCController(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):

    def __init__(self):
        self.foos = {'foo1':Foo(), 'foo2':Foo(), 'foo3':Foo()}

    def update(self, data):
        for k, v in data:
            threads.deferToThread(self.foos[k].processData, v)

    def getData(self, fookey):
        # return first 10 records of specified
        return self.foos[fookey].bar[0:10]

class Foo():

    def __init__(self):
        bar = []

    def processData(self, new_bar_data):
        for record in new_bar_data:
            # do processing, and add record, then sort

The problem is that when the update function is called in the XMLRPCController with a lot of records (say 100K +) it stops responding to my getData calls until all 32 Foo instances have completed the process_data method. I thought deferToThread would work, but I think I am misunderstanding where the problem is.

Any suggestions... I am open to using something else, like Cherrypy if it supports this required behavior.


@Troy: This is how the reactor is set up

reactor.listenTCP(port_no, server.Site(XMLRPCController)

As far as GIL, would it be a viable option to change sys.setcheckinterval() value to something smaller, so the lock on the data is released so it can be read?


  • The easiest way to get the app to be responsive is to break up the CPU-intensive processing in smaller chunks, while letting the twisted reactor run in between. For example by calling reactor.callLater(0, process_next_chunk) to advance to next chunk. Effectively implementing cooperative multitasking by yourself.

    Another way would be to use separate processes to do the work, then you will benefit from multiple cores. Take a look at Ampoule: It provides an API similar to deferToThread.