I'm about to switch some of my entities from identity to hilo id-generator.
I'm don't have a clue how the tables holding the next-high values should be designed.
- should I use a single table for all entities, or for a group of related entities?
- should I use another table for each entity?
- should I use a single table with another row or column per entity?
Are there any best practices? What needs to be considered? Are there any pros or cons for any of the approaches?
I don't think there's a single "best" practice, but it's important to understand how HiLo works:
- The table hilo generator is designed for databases which do not support sequences, which are a more natural fit for this task.
- The Hi value for a class is retrieved and updated the first time you save an instance of that class, or when you run out of Lo values.
- A different Hi value is used for each class.
So, you'll have to consider at least two variables:
- Contention. You might improve performance a little bit by using separate tables
- Range. With a very big database, you have a bigger risk of eventually running out of Hi values.
After considering that, it's just a matter of taste.