Assuming I have a list of values like this:
I want to group those values into a MultiMap (conceptually, not limited to a specific data structure) in Haskell by using a function that maps any element to a key.
For this example, we shall use take 2
as a mapper.
The result I intend to get is (conceptually, as JSON):
{"ab":["abc","abd"], "aa":["aab"], "12":["123"]}
In this example I will use [(String, [String])]
as a Multimap data structure.
My basic idea (conceptually):
let datalist = ["abc","abd","aab","123"]
let mapfn = take 2
let keys = nub $ map mapfn datalist
let valuesForKey key = filter ((==key).mapfn) datalist
let resultMultimap = zip keys $ map valuesForKey keys
My question:
run per key)?Conceptually, this question is similar to the SQL GROUP BY
Using fromListWith
from Data.Map
> let xs = ["abc","abd","aab","123"]
> let f = take 2
> Data.Map.fromListWith (++) [(f x, [x]) | x <- xs]
fromList [("12",["123"]),("aa",["aab"]),("ab",["abd","abc"])]