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Extend/Customize ValidateUser of MembershipProvider

I am implementing MembershipProvider class. Most of the methods are not implemented, and I am throwing NotImplementedException in those.

But ValidateUser is being used:

public override bool ValidateUser(string UserName, string Password)

Now what I want is to add some more parameters to it. Something like this will do the trick:

public override bool ValidateUser
        string UserName,
        string Password,
        string IpAddress,
        string BrowserName

This is an example. Once I could add some more parameters, I can combine them in an object and then make a call to database layer.

I have searched a lot but could not find a way which works. Some people say it cannot be done and some say it can be.

Thanks for your help.


  • Thanks Win. I required some more parameters too besides IP and browser info.

    What I ended up doing it putting everything (UserName, Password, additional parameters) in XML and sending it as username. Then in password, I had a flag which looks if it should do something different.

    public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
        if (password == "XML")
            // This contains additional information in username.
            // This is conventional call.
            DatabaseLayerObject.ValidateUser(username, password);

    UPDATE 1:

    I am adding some more information to clarify my response.

    When I want to send more information in addition to username and password, I will put all of them in XML, and store this information in username. E.g.:


    Now I need some indication in the ValidateUser method to know whether I am sending XML or not. This flag is in password, stored as any string of my choice.