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Enumerator instead of constructor for class instantiation?

I have a struct Color with an enumeration Color_type. The constructor has an argument of type Color_type; Fl_Color, FL_REDand FL_BLUE are a class and constants from FLTK:

struct Color {
    enum Color_type {
        red = FL_RED,
        blue = FL_BLUE,
        // et cetera

    Color(Color_type cc) :c(Fl_Color(cc)) { }
    Fl_Color c;

Another type has a member function to set the color, like this:

class Grid {
    void set_color(Color col) { lcolor = col; }
    Color lcolor;

I would expect this function to be called like this:


i.e., call the constructor with the enumerator, like declared. However, it also works like this:


Why? Is this a legal shorthand?


  • Your constructor allows implicit conversions from Color_type to Color. If you don't want to allow that, you need to make it explicit:

    explicit Color(Color_type cc) :c(Fl_Color(cc)) { }