I need to output the contents of a text field using MS Query Analyzer. I have tried this:
select top 1 text from myTable
(where text is a text
DECLARE @data VarChar(8000)
select top 1 @data = text from myTable
PRINT @data
The first one prints only the first 2000 or so characters and the second only prints the first 8000 characters. Is there any way to get all of the text?
I don't think you can use varchar(MAX) in MSSQL7, so here's something that will give you all the data (note, what I'm understanding is you just want to visually see the data, and you aren't going put it in a variable or return it).
So, this will print off the entire string so you can visually see what's in the field:
DECLARE @limit as int,
@charLen as int,
@current as int,
@chars as varchar(8000)
SET @limit = 8000
SELECT TOP 1 @charLen = LEN(text)
FROM myTable
SET @current = 1
WHILE @current < @charLen
SELECT TOP 1 @chars = SUBSTRING(text,@current,@limit)
FROM myTable
PRINT @chars
SET @current = @current + @limit