I uploaded a shape file to cartodb
then I exported it as a csv
Now I want to load it from the csv file (I'm studying how to generate a csv like that from other sources)
I have a geojson strng column with all the info of the geometry (a polygon)
then I try to update the_geom with a query like this:
update paisprov2012 set
the_geom = st_setsrid(st_geomfromgeojson(geojson),4326)
And I get this error:
ERROR: Geometry type (MultiPolygon) does not match column type (Point)
SO I try with
ALTER TABLE paisprov2012 ALTER COLUMN the_geom TYPE Polygon using the_geom::Polygon
But I get a
ERROR: cannot cast type geometry to polygon
Any idea?
Changing of column types didn't work in the old versions of CartoDB (and default column type when all null was point). The first query should work fine now.
The second query will fail because polygon
as you are trying to do it isn't a projected polygon.