#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/*For File input, I'm copying the lines of the file into a
* large string with fgets*/
FILE *filePtr;
char buffIter[200];//How much fgets iterates by???
char *pToken; //Should hold the large string.
filePtr = fopen(argv[2],"r");// the filename is passed as the second argument
while(fgets(bufferIter, 200, filePtr){ ...?
filePtr = something?
/*For File input*/
I want the above program to read an entire file into a String in C. I want the filePtr to be that string and if the example.txt looks like:
This is a test file.
Here are some strings like cat, dog and mouse.
Escape chars too \n \a \" \b \t.
Specials cases? @ $ % \\ \\\ \\\\ \ \
"\\" "\\\" "\"
How would the new lines be separated? Like from "...and mouse. Escape chars..." Would it show up like this in the string if I use fgets as I am?
You could just read it into a string in one go rather than by-line, e.g.
1, length
) into the bufferThis would give you the raw file data and wouldn't process escapes, etc.