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Loading a shared library with the System.loadLibrary call never returns

I have a problem loading a native library using System.loadLibrary("my_shared_lib"); The problem is that this call never returns.

Here is the context :

In my project I have several static libraries built using the nkd-build script. Building them works well using this for each .a lib I need:

** used for static libs**

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := my_static_lib_1

# Include paths

# Sources

# Target

These static libraries contain of course only native (C++) sources, among with some JNI wrappers (callable from Java sources).

Once all static libraries (.a) are built, I want to build a shared library (.so) containing all the .a libs I need. Here is the I'm using to build this shared library:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
# Static prebuilt libs 
#-- my_static_lib_1
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE    := my_static_lib_1
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(PATH_TO_LIBS)/my_static_lib_1.a

#-- my_static_lib_2
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE    := my_static_lib_2
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(PATH_TO_LIBS)/my_static_lib_2.a

# Building shared lib
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := my_shared_lib

#-- Some of the .a static libs need these libs
    -llog \

#-- This variable is used to force libs to be included in the .so


This builds me a perfect .so file, containing all the functions from the .a libs (I could check that using the nm command on the generated .so lib).

And to be complete, here is the .java file dynamically loading the .so lib:

public class MyClass
    static {
        Log.d("MYLOGS", "Loading...");
        Log.d("MYLOGS", "Loaded.");


When I'm creating a new instance of MyClass, loadLibrary is called, but it never returns. I can see the Loading... log but never the Loaded. one. The logCat says Trying to load lib [...].so but that's all, the app freezes.

All of this works fine when I have only one static lib .a in my .so file. In that case, I can call my native code perfectly. But my project uses 8 .a files, and I got a freezed app because loadLibrary never ends in that case.

What is wrong with the loadLibrary call ? Do you have any idea ?



  • I've found out what was wrong in my code.

    Actually when the loadLibrary loads a .so library, it creates all the global variables/constants declared in the .so, including of course every global of every .a lib contained in the .so.

    Some of these global are built through constructors executing some code. I've found out that in my .a libs architecture, this code was deadlocking at some point because it was called too early (some needed stuff didn't exist yet). I didn't expect it to be called at the loadLibrary time.

    So if that can help anyone: keep in mind that the loadLibrary involves creating all the global objects contained in the .so lib that you're trying to load.

    Not knowing that was my mistake.