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MODx Rewrite for htaccess to logical sup page

Need a little bit of help, we've got a database setup with friendly URLs to do the output from the database - this all works fine, however i'm now having to add a physical subdirectory into the structure and basically its breaking and my htaccess skills are nil.

Here's what I have for the virtual database URLS.

RewriteRule ^resources/([^/]*)/(.+)$ index.php?q=resources/$1-display/&req=$1/$2 [L]

This makes the url to appears as

page has a full alias of page-display hence the -display part.

Now, I want to move an existing page in the CMS that was and move it to

The problem I have is as follows.

If I move the physical page to[document] - 

All works fine, it reads as

If i move it to[document] 

It explodes and throws a error

I've tried

RewriteRule ^resources/([^/]*)/(.+)$ index.php?q=resources/subfolder/$1/$2 [L]


RewriteRule ^resources/subfolder/(.+)$ index.php?q=resources/subfolder/$1/$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^resources/subfolder/(.+)$ index.php?q=resources/subfolder/$1/ [L]

But to no avail, anyone got any ideas as I'm not a expert in htaccess by any means but I need to get this page up :/

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks


  • I'm not familiar with modx but think that your existing RewriteRule may be conflicting with the page at its new location.

    If this is the case, you could get around it by adding a condition that makes an exception to the rule

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/resources/infographics
      RewriteRule ^resources/([^/]*)/(.+)$ index.php?q=resources/$1-display/&req=$1/$2 [L]

    This assumes that a request to /resources/infographics/this-is-the-page would work fine after you've moved the page in the CMS and the existing rule is disabled.