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Creating a boxplot from two tables in KNIME

I am trying to plot two data columns coming from different tables using KNIME. I want to plot them in a single plot in order to be easier to compare them. In R this effect can be achieved by the following:

boxplot(df$Delay, df2$Delay,names=c("Column from Table1","Column from Table2"), outline=FALSE)

However, by using KNIME, I cannot think of a way that you can use data coming from two different tables. Have you ever faced this issue in KNIME?


  • Seems to be a working solution would be -according to the discussions in the comments- the following:

    1. Installing the KNIME Interactive R Statistics Integration (you might already have it installed)
    2. Using the Add Table To R node to add the second table to R
    3. I guess the usual R code can be used to create the figures