I am using Enumerize gem https://github.com/brainspec/enumerize/ It allows me use beautiful selects in form with siple form. And all options in this selects are translated.
male: 'Man'
female: 'Woman'
So, in my form I have select with variants 'Man' and 'Woman'. When I save the record with 'Man' value I get sex attribute with 'male' value. Now I want to display this value as 'Man' on the show page, but
= @user.sex
outputs as 'male' instead of 'Man'
I'd probably use the .text
method (you can see it inside the Gem by using bundle open enumerize
and traversing the code a bit)
= @user.sex.text
You can also use the full translation key
= t("activerecord.enumerize.user.sex.#{@user.sex}")