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vhdl code (for loop)

Description: I want to write vhdl code that finds the largest integer in the array A which is an array of 20 integers.

what should my algorithm look like, to input where the sequential statements are?

my vhdl code:

highnum: for i in 0 to 19 loop
i = 0; 
i < 20; 
i<= i + 1;
end loop highnum;

This does not need to be synthesizable but I dont know how to form this for loop a detailed example explaining how to would be appreciated.


  • First of all you should know how have you defined the array in vhdl. Let me define an array for you.

        type array_of_integer array(19 downto 0) of integer;
        signal A : array_of_integer :=(others => 0);
        signal max : integer;
        -- Now above is the array in vhdl of integers all are initialized to value 0.
        A(0) <= 1;
        A(1) <= 2;
        A(19)<= 19;
        -- Now the for loop for calculating maximum 
        max <= A(0);
        for i in 0 to 19 loop 
          if (A(i) > max) then 
            max <= A(i);
          end if;
        end loop;

    -- Now If you have problems in understating that where to put which part of code .. in a ----vhdl entity format .. i.e process, ports, etc... you can reply !