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How to fix table header in Extjs 4.2

I want to fix my table/grid header in my ExtJs 4.2 application, so that the header is allways visible, while scroling. The main grid in my application has a fixed header and is implemented as in the code in the bottom of this post. It is not working and I don't know why... I tried it with the split attribute, but it isn't working, too... :(

This is the code:

function openThePopup() {
var win = new Ext.Window({
    modal : true,
    height : 500,
    width : 900,
    plain : true,
    border : false,
    resizable : false,
    maximizable : false,
    draggable : true,
    closable : true,
    closeAction : 'destroy',
    title : 'Title',
    autoScroll : true,
    buttonAlign : 'center',
    items : [ {
        xtype : 'grid',
        id : 'theGrid',
        store : theStore,
        border : 0,
        layout : 'fit',
        margins : '5 0 0 0',
        split : true,
        columns : [ {
            text : 'Country',
            dataIndex : 'country'
        }, {
            text : 'City',
            dataIndex : 'city'
        }, {
            text : 'ZIP',
            dataIndex : 'zip'
        }, {
            text : 'Street',
            dataIndex : 'street',
            width : 200
        }, {
            text : location,
            dataIndex : 'name',
            width : 200
        } ],
        listeners : {
            itemdblclick : function(t, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
    } ],
    buttons : [ {
        onClick : function() {
    } ]

I appriciate any help.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best wishes to all of you.


  • Your layout isn't configured correctly. The layout: 'fit' should go on the window and the layout configuration should be removed from the grid. Also remove the autoScroll config on the window.