My Website using Jetpack
Plugin to get JSON
Data that want to use in iOS Apps.
Now i can access my website JSON data and can develop iOS App without OAuth Authentication
with following URL
Now i read documentation about these API , i see OAuth2 Authentication
for API.
My Apps is using JSON Data to show only.
I want to know do i really need to do OAuth2 Authentication
to use JSON Data?
Ok, so diving into the documentation I see this
Before you begin to develop an application, you will need a client id and a client secret key. The client id and client secret key will be used to authenticate your application and verify that the API calls being are valid. You can sign up for an id and secret at our
So basically you need to authenticate with JetPack. Here is the link:
If you want to know whether the api requires authentication or not then you just put the url in web browser, then if you get the json string, means no OAuth required, otherwise, you need to authenticate.