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Restricting Access to Edit in SugarCRM

I want to restrict editing of a record based on custom rules. I was able to restrict the list view, but cannot seem to get the edit restriction working.

In the custom controller, I have

class CustomOpportunitiesController extends SugarController { 

protected function action_editview() {
    $this->bean = new CustomOpportunity();
    // parent::action_editview(); // There is no action_editview() in SugarController
    $this->view_object_map['bean'] = $this->bean;
    $this->view = 'edit';

However when I add this, any time I try to edit a record it goes to Create Record instead!

There is absolutely no (useful) documentation on this either.

Version 6.5.13.

(I also have code in the subclass but it's commented out right now.)

class CustomOpportunity extends Opportunity {
    // function ACLAccess($view,$is_owner='not_set') {  ...


  • There are a number of ways to achieve this. If we're using a custom controller like in your code, you could try this:

    public function action_editview()
        /* Set view */
        if (/*your condition here*/)
            $this->view = 'noaccess';
            $this->view = 'edit';

    Hope this helps!

    Ps. The reason your code would appear to create a new record seems to be due to the "$this->bean = new CustomOpportunity();" -line, where you overwrite the bean you are about to edit with a new, fresh record :-)