When reading from a socket using read(2)
and blocking I/O, when do I know that the other side (the client) has no more data to send? (by "no more data to send" I mean that, as an example, the client is waiting for a response). At first, I thought that this point is reached when less than count
bytes are returned by read
(as in read(fd, *buf, count)
But what if the client sends the data fragmented? Reading until read
returns 0
would be a solution, but as far as I know 0
is only returned when the client closes the connection - otherwise, read
would just block until the connection is closed. I thought of using non-blocking I/O and a timeout for select(2)
, but this does not seem to be a tidy solution to me.
Are there any known best practices?
The concept of "the other side has no more data to send", without either a timeout or some semantics in the transmitted data, is quite pointless. Normally, code on the client/server will be able to process data faster than the network can transmit it. So if there's no data in the receive buffer when you're trying to read()
it, this just means the network has not yet transmitted everything, but you have no way to tell if the next packet will arrive within a millisecond, a second, or a day. You'd probably consider the first case as "there is more data to send", the third as "no more data to send", and the second depends on your application.
If the other side doesn't close the connection, you probably don't know when it's ready to send the next data packet either.
So unless you have specific semantics and knowledge about what the client sends, using select() and non-blocking I/O is the best you can do.
In specific cases, there might be other ways - for example, if you know the client will send and XML tag, some data, and a closing tag, every n seconds. In that case you could start reading n seconds after the last packet you received, then just read on until you receive the closing tag. But as i said, this isn't a general approach since it requires semantics on the channel.