I want to replace values in a string if a particular string exists in an array.
$str = 'My name is {{name}}. I live in {{city}}. I love to {{hobby}}. {{ops...}}';
$array = array(
'name' => '010 Pixel',
'city' => 'USA',
'hobby' => 'code',
'email' => 'xyz@abc.com'
I want to replace {{name}} with the value of name in $array. If the string inside curly brackets doesn't exist in the $array then let that string stay as it is.
Expected result:
My name is 010 Pixel. I live in USA. I love to code. {{ops...}}
The reason I'm concern about this is, when any value coming from form contains any {{field-name}} then it shouldn't get replaced. I want to replace only what is set in $str.
There is strtr function.
$str = 'My name is {{name}}. I live in {{city}}. I love to {{hobby}}. {{ops...}}';
$array = array(
'{{name}}' => '010 Pixel',
'{{city}}' => 'USA',
'{{hobby}}' => 'code',
'{{email}}' => 'xyz@abc.com'
echo strtr($str, $array);