I am currently using this:
SELECT Column1, Column2
FROM SomeTable
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('KeyValuePairs')
to produce this:
is there a way to produce something more descriptive like this:
SELECT 'Column1' AS [Key],
T.Column1 AS Value
FOR XML PATH('KeyValuePair'), TYPE
SELECT 'Column2' AS [Key],
T.Column2 AS Value
FOR XML PATH('KeyValuePair'), TYPE
FROM SomeTable AS T
FOR XML PATH('KeyValuePairs')
SELECT 'Column1' AS [KeyValuePair/Key],
T.Column1 AS [KeyValuePair/Value],
'Column2' AS [KeyValuePair/Key],
T.Column2 AS [KeyValuePair/Value]
FROM SomeTable AS T
FOR XML PATH('KeyValuePairs')