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getting exception with SQLKorma for syntax: Failure to execute query with SQL

Any idea what is this exception trying to convey ? I am using sqlKorma with Postgres 9.3. I am trying to insert multiple rows at once in a table and I am getting a syntax error.

Now neither do I have a "0" anywhere in my query nor am I writing raw SQL to be messing up the syntax.

the korma docs are also not very clear.

Failure to execute query with SQL:
DO 0  ::  []
 Message: ERROR: syntax error at or near "0"
  Position: 4
 SQLState: 42601
 Error Code: 0
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "0"
  Position: 4

Thats my code

(insert vendor-subsidiary-allowance                                                                                                       
          (values (vec (for [p (seq percentages)]                                                                                           
                         {:id (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)                                                                                   
                          :type "%"                                                                                                         
                          :id_allowance_category (utils.uuid/from-str (p 0))                                                                
                          :id_vendor_subsidiary (allowance-form "vendor_sub_id")                                                            
                          :value  (parse-number (p 1))})))) 

NOTE: percentages is a dictionary with uuid strings as keys and value as some numeric string


  • Perhaps you want to read this to find the way to print the generated SQL to console. You can use sql-only or dry-run macro to do this.

    Print the generated SQL with sql-only or dry-run and check that the SQL is okay.