I'm writing a class to write XLS files called "BravoManagementXlsReport". It's currently sitting in the following directory:
All the other reports all inherit from xls_report
, so I did the same.
class BravoManagementXlsReport < XlsReport
attr_reader :file_name
When I run the worker I get:
2014-02-24T16:22:58Z 18204 TID-ovbv17qdg WARN: uninitialized constant BravoManagementXlsReport
I thought I should restart the workers, but that didn't work, so I restarted the Rails server but that didn't work either. In the console I tried:
[2] toolkit » ManagementXlsReport // this returns the object
=> ManagementXlsReport < XlsReport
[3] toolkit » BravoManagementXlsReport // this is obviously not finding it
NameError: uninitialized constant BravoManagementXlsReport
[1] toolkit » XlsReport.descendants // this returns everything but the new file
=> [
[0] SocioeconomicDevelopmentXlsReport < XlsReport,
[1] EnterpriseDevelopmentXlsReport < XlsReport,
[2] PreferentialProcurementXlsReport < XlsReport,
[3] IntermediaryBillXlsReport < XlsReport,
[4] ScorecardXlsReport < XlsReport,
[5] TrainingProgramXlsReport < XlsReport,
[6] GeneralXlsReport < XlsReport,
[7] EmploymentEquityXlsReport < XlsReport,
[8] ManagementXlsReport < XlsReport,
[9] SkillsDevelopmentXlsReport < XlsReport
Is there something I am missing? I tried seeing if I had misspelled something but I can't see it.
I finally found out what was going on. The path was not being loaded by rails. In the application config file i found this. i think its just bad legacy code that got me confused.
# These are imported so that the elements are downloadable to excel
require "#{Rails.root}/lib/reports/xls_report.rb"
[:employment_equity, :management, :skills_development, :enterprise_development, :preferential_procurement, :socioeconomic_development, :general, :training_program, :scorecard, :intermediary_bill].each do |file|
require "#{Rails.root}/lib/reports/#{file}_xls_report.rb"
So i just replaced it with a auto path loader:
config.autoload_paths += %W( #{Rails.root}/lib/reports )
now it works just fine :) thanks so much for all your help this! hope this ends up helping someone else.