I am working on a video processing project and using ffmpeg for watermarking. I achieve exactly what i want but the problem is that the process is very very slow.
I am using a Intel Smart 2nd gen family Core-i5 Processor with 4GB RAM on a 32 bit operating system Microsoft Windows-8 on a 64-bit CPU.
I tried watermarking a video [mp4] of length 1:30 Min. size of file is 1.5GB
Whole process accomplish in 3 Hrs to watermark my video file and what i noticed while process is that ffmpeg was processing 28 frames per sec first and then later it slow down up to 20 frames per second. a normal human watch video with frame rate of 30 frame per second and process was even slower then this that's why it took more time [3 Hrs] then the actual length of video itself [1:33]
What i think to make process efficient is to use ffmpeg Watermarking Source Code and modify it somewhat...
I want to ask if someone have achieve fast watermarking before by any other way or have modified this code to achieve faster process in order to save my time...
To speed up you might try to skip middle frames like apply watermark on next 5th frame if that number dont create flickr