I have a simple question. Here is my story game so far:
x = 0
y = 0
coords = (x,y)
def move(player) :
while 1 :
global x
global y
global coords
user_in = raw_input()
if user_in == "w":
y += 1
elif user_in == "d":
x += 1
elif user_in == "a":
x -= 1
elif user_in == "s":
y -= 1
else :
print "Thats not an assigned key"
coords = (x,y)
print player, "moved to", coords
I know that I could make an if statement for each set of coordinates, but I'm feeling pythonic, and I would like to find a fast and efficient way to do this. Thanks in advance for the help!
Like @isedev said in a comment, I recommend using a dictionary that maps location tuples to data about what is found in that location.
I would make a class called Room
or Area
that defines what exists at that location. Then make a dictionary called world
or something that maps all the locations a player can go. If there is no Area
object at a given location, then it is impossible to go there (maybe it's impassible forest, solid rock, or whatever makes sense in your game).
I suggest you read through a tutorial on how to write an adventure game in Python. The book Learn Python the Hard Way has a chapter devoted to this, and you can get that book for free on the Internet:
It might make more sense if you read through the whole book in order.
If you don't like that one, try a Google search for "adventure game tutorial Python" and you will find others.
Good luck and have fun.