I've been ripping my hair off with this one. I have read all the doc about Rails 4 integrating strong params and that now everything has to be explicitly whitelisted. But it still won't go through!!!
Here is my setup
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :chapters
accepts_nested_attributes_for :chapters
class Chapter < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :course
class CoursesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json
def create
@course = Course.create permitted_params
respond_with @course
def permitted_params
params.require(:course).permit(:name, chapters_attributes: [:title, :content])
"course": {
"chapters": [{
"title": "qwerty",
"content": "foobar"
"name": "Test course"
Started POST "/json/courses" for at 2014-02-24 15:29:44 +0000
Processing by CoursesController#create as JSON
Parameters: {"course"=>{"chapters"=>[{"title"=>"qwerty", "content"=>"foobar"}], "name"=>"Test course"}}
Unpermitted parameters: chapters
Completed 201 Created in 96ms (Views: 52.1ms | ActiveRecord: 4.1ms)
Unpermitted params: chapters. I've been staring at this for hours with no avail. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Please tell me its right there and I just forgot some stupid magical param so I can move on.
I believe the issue is not in the controller or model, but in the JSON sent in the request.
Processing by CoursesController#create as JSON
Parameters: {"course"=>{"chapters"=>[{"title"=>"qwerty", "content"=>"foobar"}], "name"=>"Test course"}}
should instead be
Processing by CoursesController#create as JSON
Parameters: {"course"=>{"chapters_attributes"=>[{"title"=>"qwerty", "content"=>"foobar"}], "name"=>"Test course"}}
If you post your view code we can probably track down the issue fairly quickly.