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Issues with parallel and transcoding video

Hey guys I'm getting a weird error even though set -x isn't showing me anything noticeable. It looks like my cmds aren't actually getting processed by parallel, or at least that is the assumption. the script below should do the following

  • find all the contents
  • push them all through a switch to ensure no rewriting of same formats happen
  • re-encode them into html5 video formats (webm ogg and mp4 via h264)
  • move those files

Can someone briefly run this code and let me know what is going on? I'm sure its something simple, but it's escaping me atm...

# Video transcoder

# CPR : Jd Daniel
# MOD : 2014-02-20 @ 10:51:25
# VER : Beta 1

# proto: cd drop ; types=(asf asx avi flv m4v mov mp4 mpg rm swf vob wmv); for i in "${types[@]}"; do touch "video.${i}"; done;


## test for reqs of exit
for requires in ffmpeg parallel; do
    hash $requires 2>/dev/null || { 
        echo >&2 "I require $requires to run but it's not installed.  Aborting."; exit 1; 

## dectypes
declare -r fpath=$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )
declare -r types="asf\|asx\|avi\|flv\|m4v\|mov\|mp4\|mpg\|ogg\|rm\|swf\|vob\|webm\|wmv"
declare -r allow=( mp4 ogg webm )

    for dir in "$inp" "$out"; do
        [ -d "$fpath/$dir" ] || { mkdir -p "$fpath/$dir"; } # create if not available

        [ -z "$(ls $fpath/$inp)" ] && { "$fpath is empty, finished..."; exit 0; } # exit when empty

    ## start video conversion
    cd $fpath ; for video in $(find . -type f -iregex ".*\(${types}\)" -printf '%P\0 '); do

        skip=0 #reset skip flag 
        name=$(echo $video |awk -NF '.' '{print $1}')
        exts=$(echo $video |awk -NF '.' '{print $2}')

        # assign predetermined pos
        for (( i = 0; i < ${#allow[@]}; i++ )); do
           if [ "${allow[$i]}" = "${exts}" ]; then
               skip=$(($i + 1));

        cmds=() # empty
        [[ $skip = 1 ]] || { cmds+=("'$video' -b 1500k -vcodec libx264   -vpre   slow      -vpre baseline -g 30          '$name.mp4' ") ; }
        [[ $skip = 2 ]] || { cmds+=("'$video' -b 1500k -vcodec libvpx    -acodec libvorbis -ab   160000   -f webm -g 30  '$name.webm'") ; }
        [[ $skip = 3 ]] || { cmds+=("'$video' -b 1500k -vcodec libtheora -acodec libvorbis -ab   160000   -g 30          '$name.ogg' ") ; }

        echo "${cmds[@]}" | parallel --gnu -j10 ffmpeg -i $fpath/$inp/{/}\;

        for ext in "${allow[@]}"; do
            [ -a "${fpath}/${inp}/${name}.{ext}" ] && mv "${fpath}/${inp}/${name}.{ext}" "${fpath}/${out}/"


A link to the repo can be found here transcoder. Please feel free to use this on YOU OWN PROJECTS!!!! Who knows how it can come in handy, but i'd love to see it shared ;)


  • Ended up with this, no longer uses parallel but still does background tasks

    # Video transcoder
    # CPR : Jd Daniel :: Ehime-ken
    # MOD : 2014-02-24 @ 16:34:29
    # VER : Beta 3
    clear # set -x
    ## test for reqs of exit
    for requires in ffmpeg parallel; do
        hash $requires 2>/dev/null || {
            echo >&2 "I require $requires to run but it's not installed.  Aborting."; exit 1;
    ## dectypes
    declare -r fpath=$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )
    declare -r types="asf\|asx\|avi\|flv\|m4v\|mkv\|mov\|mp4\|mpg\|ogg\|rm\|swf\|vob\|webm\|wmv"
    declare -r allow=( mp4 ogg webm )
        for dir in "$inp" "$out"; do
            [ -d "$fpath/$dir" ] || { mkdir -p "$fpath/$dir"; } # create if not available
        [ -z "$(ls $fpath/$inp)" ] && { "$fpath is empty, finished..."; exit 0; } # exit when empty
        ## start video conversion
        cd $fpath ; while IFS= read -r video; do
            skip=0 #reset skip flag
            # assign predetermined pos
            for (( i = 0; i < ${#allow[@]}; i++ )); do
               if [ "${allow[$i]}" = "${exts}" ]; then
                   skip=$(($i + 1));
            pids=() # pid track if we want to use it later for something
            [[ $skip = 1 ]] || { ffmpeg -y -i "$inp/$video" -vb 1500k -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -vpre baseline -g 30 "$out/${name}.mp4" 2> /dev/null & } # \n pid+="$! " # if we're going to do post proc kill work later
            [[ $skip = 2 ]] || { ffmpeg -y -i "$inp/$video" -vb 1500k -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -ab 160000 -f webm -g 30 "$out/${name}.webm" 2> /dev/null & }
            [[ $skip = 3 ]] || { ffmpeg -y -i "$inp/$video" -vb 1500k -vcodec libtheora -acodec libvorbis -ab 160000 -g 30 "$out/${name}.ogg" 2> /dev/null & }
            # move out of path
            for ext in "${allow[@]}"; do
                [ -a "$inp/$name.$ext" ] && cp -f "$inp/$name.$ext" "$out/" &
            for job in `jobs -p`; do
                echo "Job: $job"
                wait $job || let "FAIL+=1"
            [ "0" == "$FAIL" ] && echo "YAY!" || echo "FAIL! ($FAIL)"
        done <<< $(find "$fpath/$inp" -type f -iregex ".*\(${types}\)" -printf '%P\0 ')