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PHP Glob - Return folder name

I'm using glob() to parse through XML files stored on my server with the code below...

$files = glob('/home/website/dataupload/*.{xml}', GLOB_BRACE);
foreach($files as $file) {
  // ...

The files are stored within two subdirectories following 'dataupload' and I'm trying to return the name of the first as a variable. For example, the structure could be like so...


I'm not concerned about the second directory ('file-type'), but need to be able to return the first directory ('brand-here') as a variable, such as $brandName.

Is this possible to do, and if so, may I receive assistance in making this happen please?


  • I resolved this by using the following code. It may not be the best way to do it, but it's how I got it working!

    function recursiveGlob($dir, $ext) {
      foreach ($globFiles as $file) {
        $brandpath = dirname(dirname($file));
        $brandname = substr( $brandpath, strrpos( $brandpath, '/' )+1 );
    recursiveGlob('/home/website/dataupload', 'xml');

    It works great, and while I'm sure it could've been done differently, it serves it's purpose! :-)