Isn't there an equivalent for flags in Scala ?
Something like :
val flags = Something | SomeOtherThing
I guess I could do a class for each flag set and have a bunch of booleans but what about syntactic sugar?
It largely depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
If you're interfacing with legacy code (especially one that you cannot modify) and/or need super-extra-high efficiency (you usually don't), a canonical way is to create a type alias for Int
. I.e., as in the linked library example:
type MyFlags = Int
val theseFlags: MyFlags
The advantage over merely using Int
is that you can "mark" any usage of those flags with the type alias - this can help immensely with code readability and help avoid bugs due to "mixing up" flags.
For this approach, within Scala-specific code, you can assist yourself by (ab)using BitSet (more info here).
If you want to create a more "object-friendly" implementation, the solution is similar to Java's enum
combo - namely, use Enumeration
with ValueSet
. An example adapted from the library doc:
scala> object WeekDay extends Enumeration {
| type WeekDay = Value
| val Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun = WeekDay
| }
defined module WeekDay
scala> import WeekDay._
import WeekDay._
scala> var newSet = ValueSet.empty
newSet: WeekDay.ValueSet = WeekDay.ValueSet()
scala> newSet += Mon
scala> newSet
res1: WeekDay.ValueSet = WeekDay.ValueSet(Mon)
scala> newSet & WeekDay.values
res2: WeekDay.ValueSet = WeekDay.ValueSet(Mon)
A problem with ValueSet
and Value
arises - their lack of type-parametrization allows for mixing two different types of flags. Of course, this is only a deficiency when compared to Java's EnumSet
. In the context of Scala, the workaround is exactly the same as in the Int
example - use a type
alias, this time for Value
(as shown above).
And as an added bonus, all your flags have unique names.
As a pro-forma, I should also mention Value Classes. Together with a type alias, they would allow you to add custom operators to your flags while preserving the efficiency of Int
However, that's likely an overkill for most usage scenarios - you're usually better off using the second, Enumeration
-based approach. It should be sufficiently efficient for most cases, especially since ValueSet
is really a thin wrapper around BitSet