I have been writing a small application using C# to copy a document into an individuals 'My Documents' folder on our DMS server.
I've beased the code around the listing provided in the 'WorkSite SDK 8: Utilize the IMANEXT2Lib.IManRefileCmd to File New Document Folders' blog.
Using this code in a WinForm application I have no problems copying the file from the source folder into the users DMS 'My Documents' folder.
However if I use the code in a command line application/.dll or any other type of application (other than WinForm) during the copy process I receive the error messages;
Error occurred when try to log the event!
IManExt: Error occurred when try to log the event!
Access is denied.
The document was imported to the database, but could not be added to the folder.
IManExt: The document was imported to the database, but could not be added to the folder.
IManExt.LogRuleEventsCmd.1: Error occurred when try to log the event!
IManExt.LogRuleEventsCmd.1: Access is denied.
Error occurred when try to log the event!
Does anyone know why I'd receiving the 'Access Denied' error messages when using a non-WinForms application to copy documents? What would I need to do to get around this issue?
Any help would be amazing!
Code in place:
public void moveToDMS(String servName, String dBName, String foldName)
const string SERVERNAME = servName; //Server name
const string DATABASENAME = dBName; //Database name
const string FOLDERNAME = foldName; //Matter alias of workspace
IManDMS dms = new ManDMSClass();
IManSession sess = dms.Sessions.Add(SERVERNAME);
//Get destination database.
IManDatabase db = sess.Databases.ItemByName(DATABASENAME);
//Get destination folder by folder and owner name.
IManFolderSearchParameters fparms = dms.CreateFolderSearchParameters();
fparms.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderOwner, sess.UserID);
fparms.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderName, FOLDERNAME);
//Build a database list in which to search.
ManStrings dblist = new ManStringsClass();
IManFolders results = sess.WorkArea.SearchFolders(dblist, fparms);
if (results.Empty == true)
//No results returned based on the search criteria.
Console.WriteLine("NO RESULTS FOUND!");
IManDocumentFolder fldr = null;
if (results.Empty == false)
//Assuming there is only one workspace returned from the results.
fldr = (IManDocumentFolder)results.ItemByIndex(1);
if (fldr != null)
// Import file path
string docPath = @"C:\Temp\";
string docName = "MyWord.doc";
// Create an instance of the ContextItems Collection Object.
ContextItems context = new ContextItemsClass();
// Invoke ImportCmd to import a new document to WorkSite database.
ImportCmd impCmd = new ImportCmdClass();
// The WorkSite object you pass in can be a database, session, or folder.
// Depends on in where you want the imported doc to be stored.
context.Add("IManDestinationObject", fldr); //The destination folder.
// Filename set here is used for easy example, a string variable is normally used here
context.Add("IManExt.Import.FileName", docPath + docName);
// Document Author
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocAuthor", sess.UserID); //Example of a application type.
// Document Class
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "BLANK"); //Example of a document class.
//context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "DOC"); //Example of a document class.
// Document Description (optional)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocDescription", docName); //Using file path as example of a description.
// Skip UI
context.Add("IManExt.NewProfile.ProfileNoUI", true);
if (impCmd.Status == (int)CommandStatus.nrActiveCommand)
bool brefresh = (bool)context.Item("IManExt.Refresh");
if (brefresh == true)
//Succeeded in importing a document to WorkSite
IManDocument doc = (IManDocument)context.Item("ImportedDocument");
//Succeeded in filing the new folder under the folder.
Console.WriteLine("New document number, " + doc.Number + ", is successfully filed to " + fldr.Name + " folder.");
Just in case this helps someone else.
It seems my issue was the result of a threading issue.
I noticed the C# winform apps I had created were automatically set to run on a single 'ApartmentState
' thread ([STAThread]
Whereas the console applications & class library thread state and management hadn't been defined within the project and was being handled with the default .NET config.
To get this to work: In the console application, I just added the [STAThread]
tag on the line above my Main method call.
In the class library, I defined a thread for the function referencing the IMANxxx.dll
and set ApartmentState e.g.
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PerformSearchAndMove));
In both cases ensuring single 'ApartmentState
' thread was implemented set would resolve the issue.