I am trying to get a custom JSON renderer for exceptions working in my REST api.
I was able to get a custom marshaller working that did most of what I needed, but I would like to have control over the context that I don't have access to in the marshaller. The grails documentation shows how to write a custom renderer, and I have one that I think should work, but I can't use it during unit testing my REST controller.
Grails docs: http://grails.org/doc/2.3.4/guide/webServices.html#customRenderers
Does anyone know how I would initialize this renderer to be used in my controller actions during unit testing?
The above documentation only says how to set it up in the resources.groovy file.
When I was using the marshaller, I was able to do:
def setup(){
//Set up the custom JSON marshallers
JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(new CusomMarshaller(), 1)
But I don't see an equivalent method for Renderers. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Further details:
Here is my renderer:
class JSONExceptionRenderer extends AbstractRenderer<Exception>{
super(Exception, [MimeType.JSON, MimeType.HAL_JSON, MimeType.TEXT_JSON] as MimeType[])
void render(Exception object, RenderContext context) {
Exception exception = (Exception) object
//Default to internal error
Integer code = 500
//If it is a defined exception with a more appropriate error code, then set it
if(exception instanceof RestException){
code = (Integer) ((RestException) exception).getCode()
}else if(exception instanceof MissingResourceException){
code = 404
context.status = HttpStatus.valueOf(code)
//Write the JSON
Writer writer = context.getWriter()
Map content = ["code":code, "status":"error", "message":exception.message]
JsonBuilder builder = new JsonBuilder(content)
And this is the way I am trying to get it to work:
log.info "Throwing exception"
throw new NullPointerException("Test Exception")
}catch(Exception ex){
render ex as JSON
If you are using spock, you can inject the bean directly in Specification
class MyControllerSpec extends spock.lang.Specification {
def myCustomRenderer //bean name used in resources.groovy
//continue with tests
If you are using junit tests, then you can use defineBeans as:
class MyControllerTests {
void setup() {
defineBeans {
//continue with tests
You can refer this answer as well for use of defineBeans.
I believe this is what you just need to do to test the behavior of the renderer.