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RTC workspace folder creation

I am getting an error while creating repository workspace folder.

It is taking only one folder path in advance setting and when I am creating workspace in some other folder, it does not create it.

How would you resolve this?


  • It is taking only one folder path in advance setting

    That means you are no longer in the "repo workspace creation" step: you have created it (and you should see it in the "my repository workspaces" section).
    You create loading your repo workspace into a local workspace or sandbox. That is the step which requires to specify a local folder (on your computer) in the "advanced setting" section.

    Simply make sure that the folder (and its full path) you are entering in that setting is:

    • not an existing one. For instance: C:\a\b\c\d means that d must not exist yet: RTC will create it when loading the sandbox. C:\a\b\c must exist.
    • isn't in folder already used as a sandbox: if you see a .jazz5 folder in any of the parent folder you want, meaning in the aforementioned example in C:\a, C:\a\b or C:\a\b\c, you cannot use those parent folders to load a sandbox in d.
      A sandbox is a folder with a .jazz5 in it (local cache), and you cannot nest sandboxes.