I have tried accomplish this using both FQL and the Graph API.
I began by trying this FQL call:
$fql = "SELECT pic, src_big FROM photo WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())";
From this I receive results that include images containing a tag of the given user (in this case: me()). However, these images may include more than one tagged user. I was hoping to work around this issue by using the SQL HAVING clause along with COUNT (http://stackoverflow.com/a/3710501/1406986). Unfortunately I don't think FQL supports this functionality because when I attempted this call:
$fql = "SELECT pic, src_big FROM photo WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag HAVING COUNT(subject) = 1";
I recived an error from Facebook. Please correct me if FQL does in fact support this functionality.
In attempt to tackle this using the Graph API I made the following request:
$userPics = $facebook->api('/me/photos');
This returns the user's photos, however, from this point I was forced to iterate over every photo looking for ones that only contain one tag. I found this to be impractical if, for instance, I need to find an image for each of a user's friends that only contains their friend and no others. To do this I would need to retrieve all of each of their friend's photos individually and then iterate over all of them.
I'm still searching for a good solution. Please post your ideas and solutions.
Well I have managed to create a FQL for this problem, but it's not pretty at all
SELECT object_id, pid, src_big FROM photo WHERE pid IN
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag
WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE pid IN
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
AND subject != me())
The first one is pretty simple, get the photo_tags of the current user
SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me()
The next one I joined the same table, but this time I wanted the photos where I was with someone
SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE pid IN
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
AND subject != me()
The I joined the same table again (yes 3 joins with same table), but this time I wanted the photo_tags where I was the subject AND that weren't on the list I got before (the photos where I was the subject with someone), so this query returns all the photo_tags where the user is the only one tagged in that photo
SELECT pid FROM photo_tag
WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE pid IN
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
AND subject != me())
The last addition to the query was just a join to get the info from the photo table of the photos were I was the only one tagged
SELECT object_id, pid, src_big FROM photo WHERE pid IN
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag
WHERE pid IN (SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE pid IN
(SELECT pid FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
AND subject != me())