EDIT: This question is different from other "capitalize first letter" questions because it requires capitalization only between "[" and "]". Since the title was incomplete, I have edited it.
I have a text file in which I need to reformat the text.
I have tried to loop lines and words while the file is open in 'r+', but have been unsuccessful.
Here is a sample:
Create Table Data(
[SOME ID] int,
[LAST NAME] varchar(30),
[FIRST NAME] varchar(30),
[TLA THING] smallint,
[TLA THING REMARK] varchar(255)
I would like the first letter in each word between the [ ] to be capitalized. And as a bonus I'd love spaces between [ ] to be replaced with underscores.
code I tried:
f = open('somescript.sql','r+')
for line in f:
for word in line:
I also tried f.write(word.capitalize())
instead of just word.capitalize
. All results were equally tragic.
The way I would code this :
would help) to transform parts that need to beThe implementation :
txt = # load your file
pattern = re.compile(r"\[(.*)\]")
transform = lambda mo : mo.group(0).title().replace(" ", "_")
new_txt = pattern.sub(transform, txt)
# write new text