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Implicit styling of a container window

I am developing an application, having a window container consisting of child user controls. I have a MyStyles.xaml document which is being used by individual user controls and their children at the control level.

That is, I am declaring the styles inside of each user control, and applying it to individual controls using

<Combobox Style = {StaticResource MyStylesComboBox} ...

How can i make this implicit, by defining the style for the user controls at the container-window level, so that the style cascades down the hierarchy?

Thanks in advance.


  • Declare the styles under Window resources(in case want to be share across UserControls hosted under this window)


    may be under App resources (in case want to share across multiple windows)

       <!-- Move your styles here -->

    In case it's a file you can merge it using ResourceDictionary. Have a look at this for more detail Creating and Consuming ResourceDictionary.

    Something like this:

                <ResourceDictionary Source="ResourceFileName.xaml"/>