I am running a web service in Windows machine , and i wanted to know the Memory used by each user while accessing this Web service. In Task Manager I could see the ProcessName, UserName, Memory. Is there a way to get the same by running powershell or batch script?
Please help.
There's may be a cleaner way to do this, but here's an example:
$users = @{}
$process = Get-Process
Get-WmiObject Win32_SessionProcess | ForEach-Object {
$userid = (($_.Antecedent -split “=”)[-1] -replace '"' -replace “}”,“”).Trim()
#Get username from cache
$username = $users[$userid]
$username = (Get-WmiObject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_LogonSession.LogonId='$userid'} WHERE ResultClass=Win32_UserAccount").Name
#Cache username
$users[$userid] = $username
$procid = (($_.Dependent -split “=”)[-1] -replace '"' -replace “}”,“”).Trim()
$proc = $process | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $procid }
New-Object psobject -Property @{
UserName = $username
ProcessName = $proc.Name
"WorkingSet(MB)" = $proc.WorkingSet / 1MB
UserName ProcessName WorkingSet(MB)
-------- ----------- --------------
Frode taskhostex 61,5
Frode explorer 172,33203125
Frode RuntimeBroker 21,9375
Frode HsMgr 5,578125
Frode HsMgr64 5,453125
Frode SetPoint 17,4375
The code needs to run as admin to get sessions for other users(not just the current user).