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How does the camera app prevent its toolbars from rotating while the image and its buttons do?

I noticed that when rotating the IOS camera APP its toolbars do not rotate.

The toolbars do not rotate but the content and buttons on the toolbar do rotate?

How can I achieve this effect? It would be great if I could have some viewControllers on the same view return shouldAutorotate = NO and some shouldAutorotate = YES

Right now I don't think doing a transformation on just the rotating views is a good option? Is there any other way?

I am using IOS 6.


  • You'll need to override layoutSubviews in your UIView to position and rotate your buttons and images the way you want them. Check [UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation in there to determine the current orientation, and rotate everything accordingly. Depending on how you've implemented your view controller, you might also need to override willRotateToInterfaceOrientation and/or didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation in your view controller to handle what happens before and after the rotation.