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highrise API, put unprocessable entity , 37 Signals

i´m playing arround with the HIGHRISE API, and they understood the meaning of rest, its pretty cool and at some points gracefully forgivingly, but

has anybody any idea why the xml i PUT is not accepted ?

here is some relevant logging :

2014-02-23 00:00:04] app.INFO: Updating:Person:Highrise-API =  people/11834527375.xml [] []
[2014-02-23 00:00:04] app.INFO: request body is :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <last-name><![CDATA[B. Good]]></last-name>
  <subject_datas type="array">
      <subject_field_id type="integer"><![CDATA[43212]]></subject_field_id>
      <subject_field_id type="integer"><![CDATA[470259]]></subject_field_id>
      <subject_field_id type="integer"><![CDATA[469130]]></subject_field_id>
      <subject_field_id type="integer"><![CDATA[469132]]></subject_field_id>
      <value><![CDATA[Way too cool]]></value>
      <phone-number type="array">
        <number><![CDATA[081 6418273]]></number>
    <addresses type="array">
        <city><![CDATA[New York City]]></city>
        <state><![CDATA[New York]]></state>
        <street><![CDATA[Siplingerstreet 11]]></street>
 [] []
[2014-02-23 00:00:04] app.INFO: request set [] []
[2014-02-23 00:00:04] app.ERROR: Guzzle/3.8.1 curl/7.28.1 PHP/5.4.10 - [2014-02-22T23:00:04+00:00] "PUT /people/11834527375.xml HTTP/1.1" 422 103 [] []
[2014-02-23 00:00:04] app.INFO: Caught client-error-exception in HighriseService updatePerson(): exception 'Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException' with message 'Client error response
[status code] 422
[reason phrase] Unprocessable Entity

i dont see the error :/ I´m very sure the subject_field_id´s are correct and those custom fields are set Posting e.g saving that xml works, i saw from the response that are fields were set,

only thing i can guess is, that i´m trying to PUT a version where nothing has changed, is that the problem ?

because my code only checks if that person exists at all and if so update it instead of creating


  • You should get back some XML in the body of the response. It should look like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <error>Phone number '555-555-5555' has already been taken</error>

    If you include the id for the existing phone number in your PUT request, then we know that you want to update the existing address, rather than adding a new one:

    Contact data and Subject data that include an id will be updated, data that doesn’t will be assumed to be new and created from scratch. To remove a piece of data, prefix its id with a minus sign (e.g. -1).